• Form Runner Home

    See all deployed Form Runner forms. If you have administrative rights, you can also manage deployed forms from here.

  • Bookshelf Form

    This sample form shows image attachments, rich text, repeating form fields, as-you-type validation, the error summary, localization, and automatic preview and PDF.

  • DMV-14 Form

    This sample form is based on a real-life California DMV form. It shows data capture and validation, repeating sections, and generating great-looking PDF from templates.

  • W-9 Form

    This sample form is also based on a real-life US form. It uses the wizard view, shows and hides controls depending on conditions, and fills-out a PDF from a template.

  • Controls Form

    This sample form showcases all the form controls available out of the box in Form Builder. It also uses the wizard view to present a form as a series of separate pages.

  • Contact Form

    This sample form can be entirely created in about 10 minutes as shown in the Form Builder screencast.

  • Form Builder is a powerful tool to create forms, but if you are a developer and you are considering to create forms by writing XForms by hand, see these examples coded in XForms.

Images on this pages are licensed by their respective author under Creative Commons, and are, in order of appearance, from the following sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.